Jan 3, 2018

The DOJ is an annex to the President and is ONLY answerable to the President.

The DOJ serves at the pleasure of the President, and all individuals within it.

He has the authority to dismiss Sessions, the failed AG linked to Vanguard Inc. (Conflict of interest)....prisons for profit/slave labour for profit in America 2.5 million. Profits from pain and torture.

The President has the authority to dismiss Rosenstein, appointed by Reince Prebius on the good bi-partisan advice of Elija Cummings. Rosenstein is a buddy of Mueller, Comey and all the rest that are after Trump. They have known each other in the Capital for over 30 years. He likes to hop on his seat when he is lying to people, with a very shifty oily looking face.

The lying proverbial body cannot control the subconscious twitches.

The New Year Resolution must include removing both of them.....as they are part of the Deep State Insiders.

Then bring in neutral, non-politicians, non-Business people, non-Deep State people from Judicial Watch, Like Tom Fitton et al.....they love the American constitution too much, and will never surrender its sovereignty for the sake of some special interest that 'swirls around' THE CAPITAL WITH A STINK.

The Trump Revolution must be legal........with due process, and not just involve military muscle.

For that to happen, the DOJ has to be cleaned out first. Sessions and Rosenstein first. Then the rest. The holdovers from Obama/Bush/Clinton in the revolving doors of the DOJ.....CESSPOOL.

As a student of history, I have observed that REVOLUTION if unchecked can destroy a nation, even though there are perfectly natural legitimate unstoppable forces pushing them forward.

The American revolution lasted 8 years and ultimate military conflict was unavoidable:

The French, partly inspired by the American Revolution and which called for 'Liberty, Fraternity and Equality' that Revolution lasted longer until Napolean declared himself Emperor. 2 million French men and women died, almost 10% of the population. 

The Bolshevik Revolution in Imperial Russia killed 60 million between 1918--1991. Lenin the Globalist multi-cultural leader with Turkish/Swedish/German and Russian lineage HATED Russians.

Revolutions can thus be very bloody, and lots of good innocent people can die in them.

The USA is a wonderful country, filled with lots of beautiful people (in a holistic sense) It would indeed be sad if innocent beautiful people were to die in the process of a VERY NECESSARY JUST REVOLUTION.

How can we learn from history, and move forward?

Whilst the military is necessary for enforcing what is right, SOLE reliance on them would be a slippery slope in the wrong direction.

For this very reason, a retooled just strong JUSTICE DEPARTMENT that obeys the President is what is needed.